I know there has been a lot of excitement over Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite internet solution, but did you realize that there is a limited capacity of this technology and like any shared network solution as number of users increase, speeds decrease? In fact, a recent study showed that Starlink download speeds in the US have now dropped to 50 Mbps in the July quarter. https://www.notebookcheck.net/Starlink-satellite-Internet-download-speeds-in-the-US-and-Canada-drop-by-double-digits-again.671846.0.html This is not even the speed of a low-end coax solution, and the latency is much higher. Another fact to consider, the Starlink capacity is only 10Tbps/sec for the entire network, whereas a single subsea fiber cable can deliver 250Tbps/sec capacity at a fraction of the cost of the Starlink system (source: https://cnb.cx/3c81XcG). I bring this up because I have had two people in the past 6 months tell me fiber is dead and Starlink is the way to go; I would disagree. It is important to be informed. Now, that being said, if you have no other alternatives, by all means, consider satellite but please do not be caught up in the hype around this specific provider so that you are blinded to the facts. This certainly can be a very solid internet back up solution, as well as 4G/5G cellular, or could be a primary if nothing else is available, but they have their limitations. If you are really looking for higher bandwidth with low latency, fiber is still absolutely the way to go, if you have the budget. Please reach out us if you have further questions or need guidance with your business internet solution.