Phishing occurs when scammers send an email or text message that looks like it came from a legitimate organization and asks you to provide your password or other sensitive information. It is the most common means for someone to initiate ransomware and hold your computer hostage.
To protect your account from phishing attempts:
Avoid opening messages from unknown senders. Also be very aware that the phisher can make the URL look like one that you recognize. But be careful, here are some examples of fake bank URLs…
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Review links in messages. Hover over the link to confirm the actual URL matches the one displayed in the message.
Investigate requests that urge you to take immediate action by sending sensitive information. Most legitimate entities like banks do not send urgent requests for financial information or bank account numbers through email or text. If the email is asking you to do something like call a phone number or click on a link to access your account, DO NOT DO IT! You should go to the link you know or call the number you know.
Look for obvious typos or issue with grammar in the email body. This is becoming less common but still occurs. Many attacks come from overseas and the attackers do not have a full mastery of the English language.
Don’t open unexpected attachments, the most common extensions used are: .PDF, .DOC, .XLS, .RTF, .JPEG, .ZIP. Check with the sender before opening it by calling them or emailing them under a separate email.
Add two-factor authentication (2FA), which confirms your identity through both login credentials and a code sent to your device. This makes it more difficult for someone with stolen credentials to take over your account.
This is not the exhaustive list of steps but it a good start. Common sense is key, but in our fast paced world we often forget to slow down and consider our actions before opening an email or clicking on a text message. Don’t be a victim. Too many of my friends and business acquaintances have been stung and paid dearly for their very brief misjudgment. Also, make sure if you are a business that you have a strong cybersecurity solution in place. Without it you are very exposed. Reach out to Genesis Business Advisors if you have more questions on this topic, we would be glad to discuss your situation with you at no charge. We can be found at: And yes, this is not a “clickable” link for a reason, see my article above. Have a safe day!